Wget-1.10.2 ultra
Wget was too long without a patch, so I did.
What new features you will get:
- Additional .wgetrc will be loaded from current directory. This is mega useful feature believe me.
- New download order strategy -- when url is inline to page (like img) it's appended not to tail of download queue as before, but to head of it (so it will be downloaded just next to its contaninig page), so this more resembles browser behaviour.
- Addition for previous feature is that if you specified wait time (-w), it will be disabled for inline content. More like real browser again.
- New megaoption --stripquery (I recommed you to add it in ~/.wgetrc) which will strip "?query" part from urls when internally checking if its already downloaded. Useful with Apache when you want to download autoindexed directories with many useless/useful sort options like ?N=D, ?N=A, ?M=A, ?M=D, ?S=A, ?S=D. Wget would not follow these links.
- New option --showurls (for semi-automatic assisted retrievals) will display wget decisions about urls, which is good together with
- Recursion depth -l effective levels start from 1, zero is still infinite. Before levels begin from 0 but zero level also shaded by 0 as infinite, so you can not use 0 level to get single page. Now you can use -l0 --showurls and see what wget will download next, add needed directories into -I/-X and enjoy life.
- Removed annoing 'Connected to' and DNS resolving messages.
- New option --redirs can specify how much http redirects is allowed (before it was fixed 20.)
- On error or redirect wget will output received headers for your pleasure. Hope you pleasure from this.
- On 'Set-Cookies' header wget will output it. Again for your pleasure.
- Additional statistics at end of work -- how much files/bytes was not downloaded from Network but already on disk. Useful if you use -nc option and site partially on disk.
- Wget will retry on some of the '5xx Server error' errors.
- Wget will show SSL certificates on certificate error.
To download:
Happy wgetting!
4 dec 2006. ultra @ lirs.ru